Copyright © 1994, 1996, 1999 Information Geometers Ltd and The University of Bath
In the past, papers about solid modelling have appeared in many different sorts of publications and events, in particular in computer graphics journals and at computer graphics conferences. Recently, two biennial conferences devoted to solid modelling have been started. One is organized by the ACM, the other by Information Geometers. The Solid Modeling conferences cover modelling in general, the CSG conferences focus on set-theoretic techniques. These are the best places to look for concentrations of up-to-date papers about solid modelling.
References to the first three sets of proceedings follow:
Proceedings of the Symposium on Solid Modeling Foundations and CAD/CAM
Applications, Austin, Texas, USA, June 1991, edited by Jarek Rossignac
and Josh Turner, ACM (ISBN 0-89791-427-9),
Proceedings of the Second Symposium on Solid Modeling and Applications,
Montréal, Canada, May 1993, edited by Jarek Rossignac, Josh Turner
and George Allen, ACM (ISBN 0-89791-584-4),
CSG 94--Set-Theoretic Solid Modelling: Techniques and Applications
(Proceedings of the CSG 94 Conference, Winchester, UK, April 1994) Information
Geometers (ISBN 1-874728-05-4), 1994.
The other books and articles listed in this Bibliography give the reader
some background information about the work that led up to svLis, and about
some of the related work elsewhere.
Adrian Bowyer and John Woodwark, Introduction to Computing with Geometry, Information Geometers (ISBN 1-874728-03-8) 1993.
Introduces many of the geometrical and computing concepts that underlie svLis.Adrian Bowyer, Computing Dirichlet Tessellations, The Computer Journal, 24(1981)162.
Dirichlet Tessellation is another phrase for Voronoi diagram. This paper describes the algorithm that svLis uses to compute Voronoi diagrams and also gives some of their properties.Stephen Cameron, ``Collision detection by four-dimensional intersection testing'', IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation 6, 3 (291-304), 1990.
Cameron has pioneered the application of set-theoretic models and recursive division to modelling moving objects, particularly for robotics applications.Hiroaki Chiyokura, Solid Modelling with Designbase: Theory and Implementation, Addison-Wesley (ISBN 0-201-19245-4), 1988.
This book describes in considerable detail how Chiyokura's Designbase boundary modeller works internally.David Lavender, Adrian Bowyer, James Davenport, Andy Wallis and John Woodwark, ``Voronoi diagrams of set-theoretic models'', IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 12,5 (69-77), September 1992.
A preview of digital Voronoi diagram facilities in svLis.Martti Mäntylä, Solid Modelling, Computer Science Press (ISBN 0-88175-109-1), 1988.
Taking a similar approach to Chiyokura's book, there is considerable emphasis on topological issues and Boolean operations. Compare Mäntylä's Geometric WorkBench with svLis to see how different in construction two geometric modellers can be!
Scott Meyers, More Effective C++, Addison Wesley (ISBN 0-201-63371-X),
This book, and it's preceeding companion volume, Effective C++, are the best books about how to program properly in C++. They're packed with helpful advice and real working examples.
Alan Middleditch and Ken Sears, ``Blend surfaces for set-theoretic
volume modelling systems'', Proceedings of SIGGRAPH
85, San Francisco, edited by Brian Barsky, ACM (161-170),
An approach to blending similar to the one described in this book. Because blends are not `hard-wired', many different formulations can be implemented with svLis.Philip Milne, ``On the algorithms and implementation of a geometric algebra system'', University of Bath Computer Science Technical Report 90-40, Bath University (email: [email protected]), 1990.
Describes a research project that generated some of the ideas used in svLis, especially the software engineering aspects.Gordon Oliver, ``Hierarchical data structures for solid modelling'', PhD Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Leeds University, 1987.
Presents some advanced rendering techniques applied to divided set-theoretic models. Oliver is now with Light Work Design.Stephen Parry-Barwick and Adrian Bowyer, ``Multidimensional set-theoretic feature recognition'', Computer-Aided Design Journal 27, 10(1995)731.
Describes how the svLis feature recognizer will work using a method devised by John Woodwark.Peter Quarendon, Stephen Todd and John Woodwark, ``Winning primitive' in point-membership tests'', IBM Technical Disclosure Bulletin 33, 3A (206-207), August 1990.
Describes the way in which a `winner' can be obtained from max and min computations on penalty functions. Applications to colouring models and to tiling model space are outlined.Kevin Quinlan and John Woodwark, ``A spatially segmented solids database: justification and design'', Proceedings of CAD 82, Brighton, edited by Alan Pipes, Butterworths, (126-132), 1982.
An early implementation of recursive division as a model structure on a reasonably large scale.Ari Requicha, ``Representations for rigid solids: theory, methods, and systems'', Computing Surveys 12,4 (437-464), December 1980.
A classic review paper that is still very often cited. While it deals with boundary models too, it is something of a manifesto for the CSG approach.Hanan Samet, The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures and Applications of Spatial Data Structures, Addison-Wesley (ISBN 0-201-50255-0 and 0-201-50300-X) 1989.
Samet's books are the most comprehensive reference works for recursively divided quad- and oct-tree structures. While quad-trees, and their GIS and image-processing applications, take up a lot of pages, the geometric modelling uses of spatial data structures are included.
John Snyder, Generative modelling for computer graphics and CAD,
Academic Press (ISBN 0-12-654040-3), 1992.
Describes a modelling system that is like svLis in some ways, but which works with swept curves to make surfaces of objects. It has been used to produce some very impressive graphics of things like fur-textured teddy bears.
Bjarne Stroustrup, The C++ Programming Language
(2nd edition), Addison-Wesley (ISBN 0-201-53992-6),
Stroustrup was the original author of the language C++, and his book covers just about all there is to know on it.Markku Tamminen, ``The EXCELL method for efficient access to data'' Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica Mathematics and Computer Science Series 34, 1981.
Tamminen's early demonstrations of the efficiency of recursively divided structures ought not to be overlooked.Andy Wallis and John Woodwark, ``Interrogating solid models'', Proceedings of CAD 84, Brighton (236-243), 1984.
Introduces some simple tools for measuring lengths, angles and so on in a recursively divided set-theoretic solid model.John Woodwark, ``Splitting set-theoretic models into connected components'', in Geometric Modeling for Product Engineering, edited by Mike Wozny, Josh Turner and Ken Preiss, Springer-Verlag (ISBN 0-444-88448-3) (61-70), 1990.
Another potential svLis facility, provides functionality usually associated with boundary models.John Woodwark and Adrian Bowyer, ``Better and faster pictures from solid models'', Computer-Aided Engineering Journal 3,1 (17-24), February 1986.
Some interesting graphics and some early examples of blends in recursively divided models.John Woodwark and Kevin Quinlan, ``The derivation of graphics from volume models by recursive division of the object space'', Proceedings of the Computer Graphics 80 Conference, Brighton, UK, Online (335-343), 1980.
A first cut at combining recursive division techniques with set-theoretic solid models: this is perhaps the original seed from which svLis grew.Dayong Zhang and Adrian Bowyer, ``CSG set-theoretic solid modelling and NC machining of blend surfaces'', Proceedings of the Second ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, New York, ACM (ISBN 0-89791-194-6), 1986.
Explains the Liming blend formulation in more detail.