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Contents list | Djinn: A Geometric Interface for Solid Modelling Cecil Armstrong, Adrian Bowyer, Stephen Cameron, Jonathan Corney, Graham Jared, Ralph Martin, Alan Middleditch, Malcolm Sabin, Jonathan Salmon Djinn is a representation-independent application programming interface for solid modelling. This book outlines the need for Djinn, develops the relevant theory, presents formal definitions of every function, and provides an example C++ binding. Published 1998, hardback, 416 pages, 27 diagrams, ISBN 1-874728-13-5. |
Some copies may still be available from Prof Ralph Martin |
The Mathematics of Surfaces VIII Robert Cripps, ed. Proceedings of the eighth IMA Mathematics of Surfaces Conference, held in Birmingham, UK, August-September 1998. Published 1998, hardback, 464 pages, 135 diagrams, ISBN 1-874728-15-1. |
Contents list | CSG 98: Set-Theoretic Solid Modelling, Techniques and Applications Proceedings of the CSG 98 Conference, Ammerdown, UK, April 1998. Published 1998, hardback, 220 pages, 114 diagrams, ISBN 1-874728-12-7. |
Contents list | STEP: An Introduction Jon Owen An accompaniment to the ISO 10303 standard for the exchange of product model data. 2nd edition, 1997, hardback, 160 pages, ISBN 1-874728-04-6. |
Online edition (HTML) | AQ 97 Edited by Jon Owen Proceedings of a one-day conference on academic quality held at the Royal Hotel Winchester on Tuesday 2 December 1997. |
Contents list Some copies may still be available from Prof Ralph Martin |
The Mathematics of Surfaces VII Tim Goodman and Ralph Martin, eds. Proceedings of the seventh IMA Mathematics of Surfaces Conference, held in Dundee, UK, September 1996. Published 1996, hardback, 526 pages, ISBN 1-874728-12-7. |
Contents list | CSG 96: Set-Theoretic Solid Modelling, Techniques and Applications Proceedings of the CSG 96 Conference, Winchester, UK, April 1996 Published 1996, hardback, 22 papers, 398 pages, 100 diagrams, ISBN 1-874728-09-7. |
Online edition (HTML) | Teaching Solid Modelling Proceedings of a workshop held in Winchester, 15-16 April 1996. |
Online edition (HTML) | Introducing Djinn: A Geometric Interface for Solid Modelling Adrian Bowyer, Stephen Cameron, Graham Jared, Ralph Martin, Alan Middleditch, Malcolm Sabin and John Woodwark Published 1995, 32 pages, ISBN 1-874728-08-9. |
Latest edition online at Bath University (HTML) | Svlis: Introduction and User Manual Adrian Bowyer First published April 1994, second edition March 1995, 128 pages, ISBN 1-874728-07-0. |
Contents list | CSG 94: Set-Theoretic Solid Modelling, Techniques and Applications Proceedings of the CSG 94 Conference, Winchester, UK, April 1994 Published 1994, hardback, 21 papers, 384 pages, 100 diagrams, ISBN 1-874728-05-4. |
Online edition (PDF, 866K) | Introduction to Computing with Geometry Adrian Bowyer and John Woodwark Published 1993, 224 pages, 26 diagrams, ISBN 1-874728-03-8. |
Contents list | Directions in Geometric Computing Ralph Martin, ed. Published 1993, 248 pages, ISBN 1-874728-02-X. |
Explanation and reviews | G-words: Keywords for Geometric Computing and its Applications John Woodwark A set of over 700 keywords covering geometric computing topics across CAD, CAGD, CAM, computational geometry, computer graphics, computer vision and GIS. Published 1992, hardback, 192 pages, ISBN 1-874728-01-1. |
Online edition (PDF, 865K) | How to Run a Paper Mill: Writing Technical Papers and Getting them Published John Woodwark, with cartoons by Carol Wade Published 1992, 128 pages, ISBN 1-874728-00-3. |
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