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Copyright © 1994, 1996, 1999 Information Geometers Ltd and The University of Bath

Fundamental geometric structures


Space, as has been pointed out by Mr Douglas Adams and others, is very big. However, the Universe (which is what they meant by space) is not (as far as anyone knows) as big as what mathematicians like to call R3, or three-dimensional Euclidean space,  which rushes off to $\infty$ in all directions. The Universe--as anyone who has tried to get a tax rebate also knows--is bent, whereas Euclidean space is as straight as a die.

Euclidean space is also smaller than the Universe, in the sense that you can have things in it that approach 0 in size; whereas quantum mechanics stops you from doing that in the real Universe.

SvLis, which is also as straight as a die (and noble, chivalrous, brave, and kind to animals), works in the nearest a computer can get to Euclidean space; but, like all computer programs, it is constrained by the finite nature of computers. The floating-point numbers  it uses are a compromise imposed by the need for speed, and the need not to use up large amounts of memory storing numbers to arbitrary precision as algebra systems such as Mathematica and Reduce do[*].

Different computers--and different C++ compilers--have differing representations for int and long, and for float and double. This can cause some problems when software is being ported from one computer--or compiler--to another. To ameliorate these problems as much as possible, svLis #defines two types in the file enum_def.h. These are sv_real  and sv_integer , and are usually set to be float and long respectively. All of svLis's internal definitions are done in terms of sv_real and sv_integer[*]. A list of the functions and operators that svLis uses to operate on sv_reals and sv_integers appears within the User Manual, on Page [*].

Points and lines in space

Given the bigness of the computer's finite approximation to Euclidean space, it's important not to get lost. As you'd expect, svLis uses conventional Cartesian coordinates  to specify locations in Euclidean space. (I'm going to drop the bit about the computer only approximating Euclidean space from here on; take it as read.) Points in space, and offsets from them in a given direction to other points, can all be dealt with using conventional vector algebra. One of the fundamental structures in svLis is the sv_point struct  (Figure 7), which we first encountered on Page [*]. This is defined in the file geometry.h:

Why not use the word vector? Unfortunately, lots of software uses the word vector to refer to a linear array of entities, and so there would be a possibility of confusion if svLis were to use it for a real vector. Besides, point sounds less ostentatious.

\begin{figure}% latex2html id marker 892\epsfysize=80mm\centerline{\epsffile{... ...e Cartesian coordinate system and a point.\end{minipage}\end{center}\end{figure}


All the operations of vector arithmetic  are defined for sv_points; if p and q are two points, then p + q  gives their vector sum , and p - q  their vector difference. p*q gives an sv_real that is their scalar product , and p$ \wedge $q gives another sv_point that is their vector product . You can also multiply or divide an sv_point by an sv_real, which scales  it, and negate  its coordinates by using the monadic minus operator. A couple of functions are defined for sv_points, too. The function p.mod()  returns a sv_real which is the modulus  (that is the length) of p, and p.norm()  returns p divided by its modulus, which normalizes  it; that is, it returns a sv_point of unit length in the same direction as p.

Note that svLis overloads  the $ \wedge $ operator; it means both vector product for points, and exponentiation  for primitives (see Page [*]). As we saw on Page [*], it means symmetric difference for sets, too. A slightly tedious aspect of C++ intrudes here: you can't change the precedence of the operators  in the language[*]. The operator $ \wedge $, which means XOR in native C++, has a very low precedence; hence you must use brackets.

The second simple geometric structure that svLis uses is a straight line in space (Figure 8), which we met briefly on Page [*] as the axis of a cylinder. Here is the main part of the sv_line structure:

The line is represented by two points. The first, direction, is a unit-length sv_point which orientates the line; the second, origin , locates it. The line runs through origin, and distance, t (say), along it is measured in direction. The line is thus parametric.

\begin{figure}% latex2html id marker 984\epsfysize=80mm\centerline{\epsffile{... ...he Cartesian coordinate system and a line.\end{minipage}\end{center}\end{figure}


To find the point on the line l at a given parameter value, t, a member function called point  is provided:

This just multiplies direction by t and adds the resulting sv_point to origin.

You can also translate a line in space by adding or subtracting a point to or from it. A new line is generated with the point added to the origin of the old line.

Finally, note that the null constructor  gives the Z axis as the line. There are more functions that act on points, lines and other simple geometric structures. For a complete list see Page [*].

Solids with flat faces, and inequalities

Towards the end of the last chapter, I made a section through a solid by intersecting it with a planar half-space. The plane was defined by specifying its normal vector and a point lying in it. The normal vector  served to orientate the planar half-space (Figure 9), as it pointed from solid to air and was at right-angles to the plane I wanted. The point located the plane in space, distinguishing it from the infinite number of other possible planes parallel to it. SvLis uses the normal vector and point supplied to construct the inequality for the half-plane, which is stored in normalized implicit  form:

\begin{displaymath}A x + B y + C z + D \leq 0\end{displaymath}


We'll come to what the jargon means in a moment, but let's start by looking at what this inequality does. Suppose you take a point (xp, yp, zp) in space and substitute it into the left-hand side of the inequality. Clearly the result will be a number, and--as is the way with numbers--that number will either be positive, zero, or negative. If it's zero or negative, then the inequality is satisfied, or, to put it another way, the inequality is true for (xp, yp, zp). If the number is positive, then the inequality is false for the point (xp, yp, zp).

\begin{figure}% latex2html id marker 1014\epsfysize=80mm\centerline{\epsffile... ...e Cartesian coordinate system and a plane.\end{minipage}\end{center}\end{figure}


The inequality will do this for any point, and so serves to divide all of space (that is, all points) into two parts: a semi-infinite region where the inequality is true, and another semi-infinite region where the inequality is false. We encountered this idea when half-planes were first mentioned on Page [*]. SvLis considers the region of space where the inequality is true (that is wherever points give a negative or zero result when substituted into it) to be solid. In fact a nitpicking distinction is made between the negative region (which really is solid) and the sheet of zero thickness where the result is exactly zero (which is surface). That sheet is flat. It is the plane that generates the half-space: the flat interface between solid and air.

Back to the jargon. The inequality is called implicit because the actual surface--the interface between the two regions solid and air--is implied by the inequality, not generated by it[*]. The inequality is said to be normalized when A2 + B2 + C2 = 1. In fact, the vector (A,B,C) is the normal vector of the half-plane, so what this is saying is that the normal vector has a length of 1. (You end up having to refer to a normalized normal vector--the jargon has tripped over its own silly flat feet.)

But what about the value of the number we get when we substitute (xp, yp, zp) into the left-hand side of the inequality? This, it turns out, measures distance to the plane  (distances on the solid side being negative, of course). This value is called a potential value (and the left-hand side of the inequality is called a potential function). As we shall see, more or less anything which can generate potential values for points in space can be used by svLis as a primitive shape. The plane potential function, A x + B y + C z + D, is just about the simplest of these[*].

The svLis sv_plane structure  is defined in geometry.h; here is a slightly simplified version:

It is convenient for the A, B, and C coefficients to be stored as the sv_point called normal, as they form the normal vector  to the plane. This normal vector has unit length. The value of D (d in the struct) in the equation gives minus the distance between the plane and the origin.

Note the call to the procedure svlis_error (see Page[*]); this procedure is called at all places in svLis when an error is detected.

The functions and operators that apply to planes are listed within the User Manual, on Page [*].

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Adrian Bowyer